Monday, November 13, 2006

FS09 - PICTOPLASMA followed by Xmas DRINKS, Friday 1st Dec at 6.30 pm

Animated presentation by Pictoplasma partner, Lars Denicke from Berlin, followed by public works Xmas Drinks from 8 pm onwards.

Starting in 1999, Pictoplasma has archived and stimulated the activities of character design around the globe. By playfully sampling and remixing visual codes, contemporary character design has redefined the aesthetic standards of visual communication worldwide.

It is Pictoplasma's aim to foster an understanding of this phenomenon as a new era of figurative expression. Through pictorial encyclopaedias, exhibitions, online archives and festivals, Pictoplasma brings together artists and designers from all over the world, encouraging experimentation and pushing the development of this new visual language. Recently, the 2nd Pictoplasma Conference brought together designers and artists from around the world in Berlin to "Get into Character". In a collaboration of character designers, costume designers, dancers and visual artists, the relation of image and body has been brought to issue in a fresh way.

For more information please visit

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The evening was full of infomation, and the interesting dilemma of representing Christiania, both as a living community and also as a conceptual construct, remained open. The real appreciation of those who experience/d Christiania met the curiousity and criticism of those who find it interesting as an alternative and utopian or radical way of living.
We want to invite you to post your comments and thoughts of the evening on this blog! Please press comment and publish your feedback.

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